? ??????????????Plain Black? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (5 Ratings)??31 Grabs Today. 7936 Total Grabs. ??????
Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Night Hearts (Animated)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (69 Ratings)??24 Grabs Today. 37059 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Pa BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where did February go?

Where did February go? I dont know BUT it went really fast. On February 20 my very young looking husband turnded the big 4-0 YES 40 years old!! I decorated his office all in black for the big event. The kids decorated the living and dining rooms. We grilled out that night, fun time for all. Our little Mal Mal as she is most oftened called is finally starting to grow!! She had her 4 month check-up last week, 19 weeks old, and she weighed 11 lbs and 9 oz. She is such a sweet and happy baby. (most of the time) Tonight Maleah was talking to her and she was laughing SO hard that it almost sounded like she was crying. This past Sunday, March 1st we went to church, late of course I think we got there around 10:30 and it starts at 10, around 11:30 the kids in the hall started getting really loud. To make a long story short.... it had started snowing and the kids were all in and out playing in the falling snow. It snowed until sometime very late that evening and the kids had a wonderful, very wet time playing in the snow. Monday was a SNOW DAY for us, I'm not sure how things are really done down here and if they will have to make it up or not. This weekend is a busy weekend down here. It is race weekend and we live about 5-10 mins from Atlanta Motor Speedway. We were hoping that Daddy and Mama would have been here this weekend so we could take Daddy to the race but had surgery yesterday and wont be able to come for a while. *we are praying for a speedy recovery* The above picture was taken a few weeks ago, while I was giving Mali her bath. This expressiong and sweet look is how she is most of the time. She has been such a blessing to us as are all the kids. We love our 5 girls and 1 little boy. ~Times are good and our home is filled with lots of laughter and love~


Michelle said...

I drove past ATL Motor Speedway today. You southerners are CRAZY!!!! :)

Marla G~Ma of 15 said...

We were also hoping to come for a race and Riley had planned on going with us. Things just didn't work out the way we wanted. Surgery and about 40 staples in Papa's back isn't good for a long ride. Maybe another time! Love to all of you.