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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The past year!!

What a wonderful past year!! There have been so many things happen in the past year!! It started off with meeting John. What a wonderful man he is and what a blessing he has been in the lives of me and my kids. We met him the first time in January and he and I knew right away, even before we actually met face to face, that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with eachother!! We drove many many miles to see and be with eachother and each time was well worth it!!
In February, John turned 38!!!! Yes he is getting old. And his health keeps showing that. We have nicknamed Old Man, amongst other things!! In March, Marlee turned 11. What a beautiful girl and what a help she has always been to her mama!! She is one of my best friends, I have always talked to her about everything. She is such a smart girl and shows that all the time!!That same day, Michael turned 4. He is a mama's boy!! I cant imagine my life without him. He is not the typical little boy. He is such a joy to all of us. And brings many tears to mine and Johns eyes, by the sweet things he says and does. He is so sweet and has one of the biggest hearts that I know!! My sweet little Maleah, she turned 7 the next day!! She can be quite the handful!! She is sugar and spice and everything nice and the little devil all wrapped in one!! She makes life quite interesting and keeps us on our toes!! But shes the sweetest little girl in the world when shes sweet!! Lexi turned 14 in May. Everybody loves their big sister!! She brings so much laughter to our house when she comes and visits. The kids have the best time with her . In May, we also made the move from Harkers Island to Griffin. What a BIG change this has been for all of us!! Being away from our family has been hard on us all but we do love where we are!! The kids finished out school here, the last 3 weeks and have all adjusted very well. In June I turned 31. I remember when I thought that someone 31 was OLD. But now that doesnt see so old anymore!! In July, John and I got married!!! It was just he and I and the kids. We had a quick ceremony and said our "I do's" We plan on honeymooning one day!! In August the kids started school again and have made many many friends. In September Makenna turned 10, double digits now. My other baby is growing up too!! She is also so very smart and beautiful and such a big help to us!! Makenna is one of the sweetest little girls that any could ever meet, with the prettiest smile in the world!! And now we are at the very end of the year!! Like I said, many changes have happened over this past year. We have lost several loved ones and also gained some new sweet spirits in our family. We are truly blessed with all that we have and hope that the New Year to come brings us just as many blessings as this past year.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ok, it has been too long!!

Wow, it has been almost a month since I have blogged!! What a stressful, emotional time of year. I am sitting here over 500 miles away from my family, with the exception of John and the kids. My baby sister is having her 2nd child in the morning. Her name is going to be Kenly Dawn. I really wish that I could be there to see this beautiful addition to our family. I try not to think too much about it because I think I could get emotional about this very very easily. I just pray that things go well and that Mariah will recover quickly. Then theres Christmas!! I dont know when I will be ready for that this year. Usually I have most of my shopping done if not finished by now and I havent even started. Then there is the question of when will we get to the Island? Who knows? John's schedule is so busy and the last time I went there without him and didnt think that I could get back home to him quick enough.
I have started substitute teaching and have stayed pretty busy doing that. I still work for his brother too at the office!! Then being a mom, wife and housekeeper on top of that. I stay busy most of the time and could sleep at the drop of a hat. Our Thanksgiving was nice. Mine and Johns and our little family's first Thanksgiving together. We ate lunch and dinner at Granny's (Johns mom) Johns sister Elizabeth has invited us over to his parents house for Christmas Eve. Opening gifts, having a family home evening and desserts. Sounds like fun, I hope that we can go. It's the closest thing to my Harkers Island family. Being at his Dad's makes me feel like I do at the Island when everyone gets together, and it being a big Mormon family with Mormon values makes it even better.
I dont know whats up, but I have been so happy the past few days, not that I'm usually not, but just overly happy. John loves me SOOOO much and I have been so blessed to be with him. But this week things have started looking up for us financially. (we are getting our heads back above water, after him being out of work so long) I LOVE HIM!!!! And just to let everyone know he is so good to me and the kids. He loves us all and that is something we never have to doubt and thank goodness.
Well, I have so much more to say and could go on and on and on BUT the Dallas Cowboys are playing and I have got to go finish watching the game!! GO COWBOYS!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Novermber ALREADY!!!

I can't believe that it is NOVEMBER already!!! Only 2.5 weeks til Thanksgiving........ that means Christmas will be here before we know it. Where has the time gone. I think the older you get, the quicker time goes by.
We have been enjoying some really nice weather here. It has been in the low to mid 60's almost everyday for the past week and it gets down into the low 40's at night!! It feels SOOO good outside. Marlee and Makenna both had a friend stay the night last night. They all had the best time. Marlee went home with her friend then they called and said they were coming back because they were to bored there. When they got here we all (me, mar, kenna, leah, michael and rebecca) ventured outside into our backyard that is woods!! We are building a club in the woods!! They had the best time. As it was getting dark, we were building a fence out of some tree limbs and branches. They are so excited!! And John cant wait to get home in the morning so that he can check out this new club.
John got back to work this past week and thank goodness he switches back to day shift this coming week!!! We really enjoyed the time we were able to spend together while we were selling Kirby's for his brother. I am so glad that he is my husband and my very best friend!!
We got a phone call tonight with some pretty exciting news!! COMPANY for Thanksgiving!! We are all so excited!! Besides Brooke, they will be the 1st people to come and visit us!! Well its late and church is in the morning at 10 and I need some sleep. To all my family who live in Carteret County and anywhere else that is reading this, although we may be far apart you are always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers and we love each and every one of you, from Kenly who hasnt made her grand appearance yet to Mema and everyone in between. Lots of love from Georgia to you!!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's been a while.........

Well it has been a while since I have blogged. John and I have been very busy working for his brother Rob in the Kirby business. We have actually done pretty good this past week, we have had 5 sales!! YAY for us!! Marlee had her first chorus concert on Monday night. It was wonderful. It was an 80's rock n roll theme. Me, John, the kids and Granny and Papa went to the concert. I wish that more family was able to attend but that's how it is when you live so far away from your family.
Halloween is almost here. We are having trunk or treat at the church on Saturday along with a chili cook-off. It should be fun and we are excited. I don't know yet what the kids are going to be. BUT I guess we will figure that out soon!!
John goes back to the Sheriff's Dept on Sunday. I am going to miss being with him all the time SOOOO much! I actually cried tonight talking to him about it:( Thank goodness that we found each other. It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that your husband truly loves you with all his heart. He is truly the best thing to happen to me, next to my four little ones!! He once said to me what are the chances that a boy born in Thailand and a girl born on Harkers Island 30 something years later find each other. I cant help but believe that our Heavenly Father helped us find each other and I am so thankful to Him for that. He's my best friend and a wonderful husband and father. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him and to grow old together. And most of all I cant wait to become his wife for eternity and our family to be forever.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday AGAIN!!

Well its Friday again!! I have been a job hunt the past couple of weeks. I have been for 2 interviews. One of them hired me right on the spot. I was SUPPOSED to start there today, BUT I quit before I even started. The was horrible and so were the hours. John and I are headed out this morning to do our Kirby thing!! I sure hope that this goes well. It would help us out so much and if things go like we hope we would have the opportunity to help our families out too!! Everybody pray for us and our new career move!!
Today is the kids last day of school until Oct 16. They are having their Fall Break. They get a week off of school almost every month. Well they do from now until April!!
I will report back this afternoon. We are headed out the door, wish us luck!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Just another day!!

This weekend went by WAY TO FAST!!! The girls had the best time with their friends staying over Friday night. Marlee ended up staying the night with Rebecca on Saturday night. I worked on Saturday morning and Marlee, Rebecca and Michael went with me. They play store while I am at work with the calculator that prints out and the products at the shop.
The only other thing that we got accomplished was getting to church on Sunday. Our ward is growing so fast, you can hardly find a seat. We now have 12 fulltime missionaries in our ward. I dont know about other places but in comparison to the wards in the Kinston Stake that is ALOT!!!
Johns brother Paul came home this weekend from Kuwait so that he could be here when his first child, a little girl will be born then he has to go back until sometime in Novermber.
We are preparing for our own business, hopefully by November we will have it going, which means I may actually be able to afford to go to the Island when I need to.
The kids are all at school. I was afraid with the weekend break Michael wouldnt want to go but he got up, got dressed, we drove to school and he jumped right our after giving mommy a hug and a kiss. ALL IS WELL

Friday, September 28, 2007


Thank goodnes its Friday!!!! We sure are glad the weekend is here. We have had a wonderful end to a week that started off bad for Michael going to school, he hasnt cried the past 2 days. Its always a pajama party with just our kids but tonight we have 2 extras, Hannah and Rebecca. Hannah is Makennas best friend down here in Georgia and Rebecca is one of Marlees best friends.
John finally has a day off. Its nice to actually have him home. Dont know what tomorrow will bring BUT as of right now we are planning on getting up early and taking the kids to ride the horse in the morning, before it gets to hot.
I havent had any luck so far this week finding a job. I called ECHS and got my high school transcript sent to me today. I am going to take the substitute teacher class and start subbing right away. I think this will be the best option for me because I can be here for the kids when they need me and when they have off from school I definately have off.
Thats it for tonight, I am tired and going to bed ;) Goodnight!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Better Day!!

So far today has started off to be a better day!!! The kids all quickly got our of bed this morning and got dressed for school. I dropped Michael off this morning and there were NO TEARS, he went right in his class today!!!! YAY!! I cant wait to pick him up this afternoon to see how his day went. After school yesterday, he and I went to "the Fish Bowl" and he picked out 4 fish for being such a big boy that day. He named all 4 of them, I only remember 1 of their names and that is CODY!!! I dont know why but for some reason that is his favorite name right now. Whenever they play or he names something it is always Cody.
Today is one of my nephews birthdays, Conner. He is my sister Macy's 2nd child. I love this little boy to death!! He is 3 years old today! Although he is as mean as the devil, he definately has a special place in Aunt Megs heart. I wish we could be there to celebrate his birthday with him, but maybe next year :(
We dont know for sure when we are going back to the island. Most definately when Mariah has her baby girl. I think she finds out next week what day exactly she will be having her. That will probably be the next time we visit. The girls want to have a Halloween party, they have already started planning it. Who they will invite, what they are going to do, what we will have to eat. A costume party sure sounds fun to me!!
We are so ready for fall weather to get here and stay here. It gets pretty hot here but not as bad as the island I guess because of the humidity. I think this weekend it is supposed to cool off some. Marlee is already talking about decorating for Christmas. She says she cant wait to decorate our new house and to put up a tree. The 2 little ones are excite that we have fireplace and that Santa will come in our house that way!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What am I doing?

I am sitting here thinking, I am on this computer enough so what am I doing on here?! Well, I dont know!!! Just to update anyone that doesnt know........ I got remarried on July 20 to one of the most wonderful men in the world, John. Together we have 5 kids, Lexi 14, Marlee 11, Makenna 10, Maleah 7 and Michael 4. Lexi started high school this year, Marlee started middle school, Makenna is in the 5th grade, Maleah is in 2nd and Michael started Pre-K just this past week. He doesnt like getting up so early to go, but every day when he gets in the car he has had so much fun that day and at that point cant wait to go back........... until the next morning. He was so cute today, I picked him up and he got in the car. I said to him, "buckle up buddy" to which he replied, "arent you gonna give me a hug and a kiss?" I love this little boy, he is definately a mama's boy!!
John is working nightshift right now, he is a correctional officer. I am currently a stay at home mom looking for a J O B!!!!! We are hoping to start our own business soon. Hopefully that will go well and things will be looking up for us.
This past weekend the kids and I took a trip up to NC and visited our family at "the island" One of my cousins got married and we were so glad that we got to be there for that. John had to work all weekend and we missed eachother soooo much, this was our first time being away from eachother, other than to go to work since May. Hopefully the next trip we make we will go together as a family, I cant stand to be that far away from him. According to him our plans are to move to "the island" in a couple of years. BUT we shall see..........
Just for those of you who dont know the picture at the top of this page is the Cape Lookout Lighthouse. This is where I spent most of my summer days for as long as I can remember.